NEWBODIES/NOBODIES, King Street Gallery, Montgomery College | CICA Museum, South Korea x Montgomery College’s Department of Visual and Performing Arts| Silver Spring Maryland, United States | March 2024

35. STUTTGARTER FILMWINTER, nominated for 2 Minutes Short Film Award | Stuttgart, Germany | January 2022

Youth #7, video screening at the exhibition for young artists | CICA Museum | Seoul, South Korea | January 2021

70th Exit of Hongdae Station, a graduation show of painting department, Hongik University | Seoul, South Korea | December 2019

Internationales Digitalkunst Festival, Screened a video artwork at international digital art festival | Stuttgart, Germany | November 2019

Ex-Cuse Me, special exhibition of Hongik painting students | Seoul, South Korea | September 2019

Balgurum, art with narratives, interdisciplinary works and discussions. Modern Art Museum | Seoul, South Korea | March 2018

Rundgang, an annual exhibition of open school and ateliers | Akademie der Bildenden Künste | Stuttgart, Germany | July 2018